bermix-studio-0_9WmYJ1k4g-unsplash | Photo by <a href= Studio</a> on <a href=">Unsplash " data-lazy-src="" />

Three More States Will Let You Carry a Concealed Weapon Without a Permit

Plus: Ukraine war developments, Biden's new tax scheme, and more...


istrfry-marcus-i9ikCx-0Pk8-unsplash | Photo by <a href= , Marcus</a> on <a href=">Unsplash " data-lazy-src="" />

The Biden Administration Sues Over Missouri's Pro–Second Amendment Law

Plus: An antitrust lawsuit against Juul was dismissed, the EARN IT Act's sponsor has a new proposal, and more...


maria-lysenko-XWC5q9_Xp0o-unsplash | Photo by <a href= Lysenko</a> on <a href=">Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="" />

San Jose's Insurance Requirement Is Privatized Gun Control

Politicians deputize the private sector to restrict rights protected from the government.



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