We Don't Need a Nationwide Energy Code
These new regulations will drive up housing costs even further.
These new regulations will drive up housing costs even further.
No technology exists today to enable railroads to comply with the state's diktat, which villainizes a mode of transportation that is actually quite energy efficient.
Ford and General Motors have tempered plans for E.V. production, but governments still spend billions of dollars in incentives.
The Golden State's new rules—which Pennsylvania's Environmental Quality Board opted to copy—will increase the cost of a new truck by about one-third.
Not unless you want to get stranded in the heat trying to find a charging station.
The Edison Electric Institute submitted comments clarifying that although it supports the EPA's goal of decarbonization, the technologies being presented are not sufficiently proven effective.
The new administration plans to end the state monopoly on oil and gas.
Not content with merely getting rid of Trump-era deregulation, the Biden administration is now tightening energy efficiency standards for a long list of home appliances.
Deregulated states may spend more on transmission, but that part of the market is still heavily regulated.
Climate scientist Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University defends urgent action on climate against scientist and author Steven Koonin.
Donald Trump legalized energy-hungry short-cycle dishwashers. The current administration is undoing that progress.
An attempt to reduce idle electricity consumption actually incentivizes selling more powerful equipment.
But they swear the new regulations will actually save homeowners money.
'We're going to work on the CAFE standards so you can make cars in America again'
Energy taxes are obvious to voters, while the effects of energy efficiency standards are sneakier
Politicians prefer efficiency mandates because they are less obvious to voters than taxes.
Paris climate agreement will reduce global warming by 0.2 degrees Celsius by 2100
Politicians adopt a policy that does the opposite of what they supposedly intended to do.
The U.S. renewable fuels standard backfires
Energy demand projected to increase by nearly 50 percent by 2040
Paris Climate Change Conference
Second Dispatch: Also they believe that global warming a is huge business opportunity.
The top income quintile received about 90 percent of all electric and hybrid car tax credits.
Will government solutions to global warming be worse than global warming?
Depending upon whom you believe, estimates range from net savings to hundreds of dollars more.
Flying is less carbon-sinful than driving
Today, instead of environmental regulations that actually save lives, we pay to subsidize politicians' cronies and pet projects.
Rather than piss it away like some other states we know
Migration and climate played bigger roles
The acclaimed author in a wide-ranging conversation with the New York Times' John Tierney
How about a "balanced approach" to energy and climate policy?
Why greener technology doesn't translate into reduced energy consumption
A new study uncovers what regulators really think of American consumers.
How more efficient cars and appliances often lead to more energy use.